Radio Untar – Kamis (9/2/17) Sering banget galau tiap deket malam minggu? Soalnya setiap buka instagram kamu ngeliat temen-temen kamu post foto bareng pacarnya? Nah, Sobat Muda coba baca deh 5 quotes inspiratif dari seleb ini yang bikin kita enggak usah khawatir masih jomblo di malam minggu!
“I’m not a lonely person. I never feel lonely … It’s not a sad thing to be alone. I think what I was trying to get across was that I don’t feel a lack of something not being in a relationship. I don’t feel like there is an emotional void to be filled.” – Jennier Lawrence
Taylor Swift
“I recommend to all my friends that they be alone for a while. When you’re in love, or dating someone, you filter your life decisions through their eyes. When you spend a few years being who you are, completely unbiased, you can figure out what you actually want.” – Taylor Swift
“Because you can’t find a prince doesn’t mean you’re not princess.” – Zayn Malik
“Being single means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserved.” – Niall Horan
Katy Perry “I’ve learnt I’m in a very modern fairytale, but I also know I don’t need the Prince Charming to have a happy ending. I can make the happy ending myself.” – Katy Perry
Dengerin tuh Sobat Muda, single gak berarti kesepian dan menyedihkan, karena saat kamu sendiri kamu bisa menemukan apasih yang sebenernya kamu mau dan siapasih diri kamu, terus kalo waktunya udah tepat, kamu bisa kok nemuin pasangan terbaik buat kamu! Biar tambah semangat, jangan lupa dengerin terus Radio Untar setiap hari dari jam 10 pagi sampai 10 malam di atau di 1098 AM ya! (LC:sumber)